Friday, October 25, 2013

~:+ Happy Birthday Hayden! +:~

His birthday is not until tomorrow, but since he is having his birthday party today, I figured I should make a post for him in advance! By the way, this my latest favorite photo of him, wearing the pair of Ray Ban I got him as his birthday present! ^_^

I have to say this is the most expensive gift I had ever gotten a friend and a celeb. ^^;

I don't know a thing about the brands of sunglasses either. I just know that Martin loves this brand and it seems to be a decent brand so. ^^; 

Well, never been so proud when I see my present on him. Initially thought they may be too small for him, coz' he's a guy and all but damn, his face actually looks small! Argh! I'm jealous! Besides, this, I also got him a card and sent him the original pencil portrait I did for him - the whole shebang: 

Anyways, looks like it's going to be a great party! I'm sure the joyous event will chase the rain away. ^_~

And he's got the checkers tournament all planned: 

Sounds like a fun night of booze and partying! He promised to bring us some pics too! Looking forward to it! xD

Wish I can be there! Well, send in your birthday wishes to him if you are on Twitter! He's an awesome, fun and friendly guy. He got to hang around Peter Jackson, Martin Freeman and other great actors from The Hobbit! Show him some love~  <3

Well, this calls for a mini pic spam on this special occasion. Hehe. =D

Last one! A really sweet pic of him and Abby Damen. =) 

I would have love to end this post with a video birthday wish to Hayden, but I'm too shy. =X Anyways, I sent him a card already but still, here goes: 

Sending you warmest wishes and 
special thoughts, 
because it's your birthday, 
and because you're you!

Happy Birthday. 

*Throws confetti*

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